WOO XDesignated Market Makers

Provide liquidity on WOO X to enjoy the lowest fees and other incentives

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How does it work?

DMMs earn weekly payouts for maintaining greater than 2.5% share of maker trading volume on all perpetual futures markets

Annual rewards pool allocation

DMM Dashboard

Time left in this epoch 04d 07h 06m 19s
Updated hourly
Rewards this week
Rewards distribution
NicknameMaker volumeContribution
Est. reward
Only maker volume from perps is eligible.


What are the benefits of enrolling?
  • Competitive rewards pool
  • Trading flow from WOO X
  • 24/7 VIP account manager and technical support team
  • Access to other resources and benefits from working with WOO
How will the rewards be allocated?
Each week, the rewards will be allocated to those eligible for the week based on their maker volume contribution. To be eligible, the market maker must exceed the required share of maker volume on WOO X.
How to enroll to be a designated market maker?
The program is open to everyone. Market makers can click the 'Apply now' button on this page to submit their applications.

Become a designated market maker today

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