ECB interest rate decision and US NFP report are up

ECB interest rate decision and US NFP report are up

The US core PCE price index annual rate for January stood at 2.8%, in line with expectations. Furthermore, last week saw few significant macroeconomic developments. Looking forward, noteworthy events in the upcoming week include the ECB interest rate decision and US NFP report.

Crypto and blockchain events this week




Event link

Future Digital Finance

4 March

United States

Future Digital Finance

ACNS 2024

5 March

United Arab Emirates

ACNS 2024

MoneyLIVE Summit

6 March

United Kingdom

MoneyLIVE Summit

Cloud Expo Europe

6 March

United Kingdom

Cloud Expo Europe

HYFI 2024

7 March


HYFI 2024

BFSI IT Summit

8 March


BFSI IT Summit

The World Web3 Conference

8 March

United States

The World Web3 Conference

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